By 山崎 拓巳
- The end of the month that approaches ‼︎
Joy to be able to spend with feeling of strain ‼︎
By Takumi Yamazaki
- AM7:37
- 大阪降水確率0%
- 京都木屋町のオフィスで起床だZEッ☆
今日も植物性プロテイン&オーガニックサプリメント飲んで顔晴るでぇ~‼- 特別な事をする為に特別な事をするのではない。特別な事をする為に普段通りの当たり前の事をする。
- 0% of Osaka probability of precipitation
It is getting up in an office of Kiyacho, Kyoto ☆
- I take vegetable protein & organic supplement and do my best today ‼︎
- I do not do a special thing to do a special thing.
To do a special thing; usual; do what it could do.
- I do not do a special thing to do a special thing.
- By Ichiro
【東北復興支援】大阪心斎橋のプラザにて、山崎拓巳さん&波田ケージローさん主催の東北復興支援プロジェクト、タクジローセミナーだZEッ☆事業における大切な4つのP1.プロダクツ(製品力)2.ピープル(人間力)3.ポリシー(理念)4.プラン(仕組み)83才のおばあちゃんから孫まで、ファミリービジネスを展開してる奥村一家のポリシーとプランは見習う部分が満載やぁ~♫- In a plaza of Osaka Shinsaibashi, it is northeastern reconstruction aid project of the Takumi Yamazaki & Keijiro Hada sponsorship, Takujiro seminar ☆
Four important P in the business
1.Products (product power)
2.People (human being power)
3.Policy (idea)
4.Plan (structure)
From 83-year-old grandmother to a grandchild, a part to follow is full of policy and the plans of the Okumura family developing family business ♫
- タクジローセミナーが終わってから、味方@大阪心斎橋でカレーそばと天むす食べに来たZEッ☆夜からの山崎拓巳ファミリーダイヤモンズセミナーに向けて、脳ミソにエネルギーチャージやぁ~♫
- I came to eat a curry side and Tenmusu in Mikata@ Osaka Shinsaibashi after Takujiro seminar was over ☆
For a Takumi Yamazaki family Daiamond mon seminar from night, it is an energy charge in the brain ♫
- I came to eat a curry side and Tenmusu in Mikata@ Osaka Shinsaibashi after Takujiro seminar was over ☆
【あなたは当てはまってますか?】大阪心斎橋のプラザにて山崎拓巳ファミリーダイヤモンズセミナーだZEッ☆~リーダーの10ヶ条~1.仕事をやる意味を明確にし、みんなに伝える事ができる人2.目標を持ち、計画を立て、それをチームで分かち合う人3.夢を持ち続ける人4.誰よりも行動的である人5.揺れない、ずれない、腐らない人6.憧れ、尊敬されるキャラの人、またそう在ろうとする人7.壁にぶつかっても明るく、諦めない人8.愛を持って人と接する人9.みんなとやる気をシェアできる人10.生きるアーティストとして未来を創り続ける人13:00から22:00まで、丸一日勉強してたら小学生の頃を思い出した…学校の教育も、1日でもええからこんな事を教えてくれる日を作れば、日本はもっとええ国になるやろなぁ~‼︎そうなるように顔晴るでッ♫- It is a Takumi Yamazaki family diamond mon seminar in a plaza of Osaka Shinsaibashi ☆
... Ten of the leader ...
1.The person who I make a working meaning clear, and can tell everybody.
2.The person who I make a plan having a sign, and shares it by a team.
3.The person who continues having a dream.
4.A person more active than anyone else.
5.The person who is not corrupt who do not slip off who does not shake.
6.Admiration, the person of a respected character, the person whom there is going to be so again.
7.The person who does not give it up brightly even if I hit the wall.
8.The person who contacts a person with love.
9.The person who can share a motivation with all.
10.The person who continues making the future as a living artist.
From 13:00 to 22:00, I remembered the time of the primary schoolchild when I made a full study all day long…
If the education of the school makes a day to be able to teach such a thing because I am enough in a day, Japan tries the better country hard to seem to think that it is ♫
ブライダル司会業•ネイリスト&セラピストの良川さんと白木屋@大阪心斎橋に呑みに来たZEッ☆アドラー心理学から山崎拓巳さんのメンタルマネージメントまで、いっぱい語り合ったし、ごっつオモロかったッ♫- Wedding chairmanship business•Nail specialist•I came to Yoshikawa and Shirokiya @ Osaka Shinsaibashi of the therapist to drink ☆
From Adlerian psychology to mental management of Takumi Yamazaki, I talked much and was very fun ♫